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Are you ready to join many families across Nottingham and Derby who have achieved a confident, powerful and positive birth experience? Twelve Moons Hypnobirthing  arms you with a whole toolbox of amazing techniques, a shed load of confidence, a powerhouse of a birth partner and a community of likeminded parents to act as your support network through pregnancy and beyond. Sounds pretty great, doesn’t it?! 


I have supported families preparing for home births, hospital births, inductions, caesarean births  and twin births. Hypnobirthing is a fantastic way to prepare for any kind of birth as well as any curve balls that mother nature might throw your way. 

Room set up ready for an Antenatal Hypnobirthing course


I know the name 'hypnobirthing' conjures up ideas of swinging clocks and Derren Brown, but at Twelve Moons we like to keep it purely evidence based. Every part of the course is backed by  good quality and  up to date research, meaning you can have full trust in all your new and exciting birth knowledge. 


Twelve Moons is also a  proud member of The Birth Uprising,  meaning I have access to an amazing supportive community of knowledgeable birth-workers across the country. 

Twelve Moons logo
The Birth Uprising Logo
Client goodie bag


Over the course of  around 12 hours, over four sessions, we cover everything you need to know to get you and your partner feeling birth confident, as well as give you some great prep for postnatal life. This course is so much more than breathing techniques and relaxation, it really is a full antenatal preparation course. 


     You will also receive:

  • A Hypnobirthing workbook

  • Access to my members area, which is full of  resources, videos, plans and templates to compliment your learning

  • 8 Hypnobirthing MP3's

  • A goodie bag full of lovely bits

  • A group of likeminded local buddies! 

  • An extra private power hour with me

  • My ongoing support

Hypnobirthing review


Good antenatal education is just as important for your birth partner. There are so many tangible ways they can support you, and studies have even shown that having a supportive, consistent birth partner actually improves birth outcomes.  Our course teaches partners how to advocate for the family, navigate the system, as well as give physical, emotional and practical support…this leaves their partner to feel free to birth, safe in the knowledge that they are protected, supported and that everything is being taken care of.


You are welcome to bring ANY birth partner of choice, this could be your Mum, doula, aunt, friend…literally whoever. All are welcome.

Man snuggling newborn baby
Hypnobirthing client review
Smiling couples after a hypnobirthing course


Your journey with me does not end when you step out of our sessions. You will have continuous support via whatsapp, so I can signpost you to any relevant articles/evidence to help you make decisions (or just give you a huge pep talk and dose of positive birthy vibes.)


Groups are kept  small (max 5 couples), and there is always  a group WhatsApp, so you can arrange meetups and share with your cohort!  Many Twelve Moons  babies have even spent their first birthdays together! 


The group course takes place at a lovely studio space in Long Eaton,  pictured here with one of our 2021 cohorts. 


If you don't know what your choices are... you don't have any! 

This is one of the most important things you will learn on your hypnobirthing journey.  There are so many ways that you can tailor your birth experience to fit yourself and your family, that you may not otherwise be aware of.  Knowing what questions to ask and how to advocate for yourself is a vital part of  a positive and confident birth.   We cover all this (and more) to make sure you are able to make strong decisions about your care and your birth and that you have an excellent and knowledgeable  support network.   


Hypnobirthing review
Hypnobirthing review

So, lets get down to the nitty gritty. Here is a brief rundown of what we cover during our 5* rated Hypnobirthing  course:


  • The biology of birth

  • Your rights and choices

  • Induction

  • Birth planning & Postnatal Planning

  • Breathing techniques

  • Self-hypnosis/relaxation

  • Pain relief options

  • Advocacy & decision making 

  • Affirmations

  • Comfort measures

  • Where to have your baby

  • Birth partner role

  • Optimal foetal positioning

  • Balancing the pelvis during pregnancy

  • Active birth positions

  • Birth hormones

  • Placenta birth

  • Postnatal planning 

  • Normal newborn sleep & feeding expectations 

Smiling woman peeking over a model pelvis
Smiling woman holding a baby

If you are not sure, why not book a free, no obligation 20 minute  discovery call with me! 


Is Hypnobirthing is only for home births?

Nope!  Hypnobirthing and Birth prep can be used in any birth space! Hospital, birth centre or home. In fact, if your birth takes an unexpected turn and you end up in a situation you hadn't anticipated, you might find it EVEN more useful that if your birth goes perfectly 'to plan.' Twelve Moons has  supported families planning to birth at NUH hospitals,  Derby Hospital as well as the Melton Mowbray Birth Centre. As always its, your baby, your body, your choice and you should have your baby wherever please!

Is Hypnobirthing is only for unmedicated births?

Nope! We support choice. That's kind of our thing. Whether you want to use no pain relief at all or you want an epidural from early labour, we support you! What is important is that you are making an informed decision and we give you all the information you need to make  confident  decisions about your birth. 

Hypnobirthing is only for vaginal births?

Nope! Many of the techniques and tools we use can be used for a caesarean birth. In fact we encourange all our clients to make a casarean birth plan, even if its not their ideal choice. In fact we give you plan templates for all kinds of birth scenarios and support you to make a set of birth plans so you feel secure if your birth throws you any curve balls! 

I also offer a Birthing Essentials course if you are short on time or need a positive birth refresher! 

woman holding pregnant belly
Nottingham NCT

ZenMuma Full Training Certification in Pregnancy yoga, Hypnobirthing, Baby and Postnatal Yoga and Kids Yoga

side by side doulas logo

Full Doula

Preparation Course

Nottingham NCT
Nottingham Hypnobirthing

Optimal Birth  

 Biomechanics for Birth 

The Birth Uprising Hypnobirthing Instructor Conversion Course 

queer birth club logo

The Queer Birth Club 

LGBT+ Competency Course 

woman snuggling newborn in a bed

During my second pregnancy I decided to train with the wonderful Side by Side doulas, so I could support women and families from the inside.  If you are considering doula support for your birth, come and check out my lovely offerings! I have various antenatal, birth and postnatal support packages, OR you can tailor a package to suit the needs of you and your family. 

Doula holding a baby
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